It has taken over 23 days (23.7 to be exact) to shatter the last Sudoku record. Around 6:37 PM Eastern time, our Sudoku solver completed an 9025×9025 puzzle (box dimension 95) with over 39 million blanks. That’s almost 19 blanks/second on average which is slower than the 22 blank/sec achieved solving the 8100×8100 Sudoku. That’s over 2170 times more blanks than in the Guinness Book of World records multi-sudoku with 280 grids (9×9).
But we’re not done yet. The solver has been tasked with solving a 10000×10000 puzzle (box dimension 100) with 47.9 million blanks.
There’s no way, you say? Download any step-by-step solution in the puzzle archive and verify that each cell is filled sequentially and is a hidden single. I don’t recommend doing this manually unless you have a lot of spare time on your hands.