The Sudoku Solver Strikes Again



It has taken over 16 days (16.83 to be precise) to shatter the latest Sudoku record. Around 2:40 PM Eastern time, our Sudoku solver completed an 8100×8100 puzzle (box dimension 90) with over 31.5 million blanks. That’s almost 22 blanks/second on average. That’s over 1750 times more blanks than in the Guinness Book of World records multi-sudoku with 280 grids (9×9).

Time marches on. The solver has been tasked with solving a 9025×9025 puzzle (box dimension 95) with 39 million blanks.

Think we ‘re just making crap up? Download any step-by-step solution in the puzzle archive and verify that each cell is filled sequentially and is a hidden single.

So how could we speed up the solver? Well, one could always throw more cores at a solution. This would work but would increase the cost of the experiment. Then again, we might have to do that anyway as the puzzles get larger and larger.